Headset Gamer Sem Fio Logitech G733 7.1 Dolby Surround com Tecnologia Blue VO!CE, RGB LIGHTSYNC, Drivers de Áudio Avançados e Bateria Recarregável para PC e PlayStation – Preto

R$ 986,43

Conheça o G733, um Headset Gamer desenvolvido para se adequar ao seu estilo. Adote a tecnologia sem fio LIGHTSPEED de 2,4 GHz, alcance de até 20 m e até 29 horas de duração da bateria. Personalize a aparência e o som em tempo real através do software Logitech G HUB com os filtros de voz Blue VO!CE e iluminação RGB LIGHTSYNC frontal de zona dupla. O G733 possui tecnologias avançadas de áudio, incluindo drivers de áudio PRO-G de 40 mm, câmaras acústicas internas e tecnologia DTS Headphone:X 2.0*. Jogue com conforto com uma faixa de cabeça confortável e reversível, almofadas dos fones de ouvido em espuma viscoelástica de camada dupla e um headset realmente leve, que pesa apenas 278 g.
Tecnologia LIGHTSPEED sem fio com autonomia de bateria de até 29 horas
Iluminação frontal LIGHTSYNC RGB
Faixa de cabeça reversível macia e confortável e almofadas dos fones em espuma viscoelástica
Microfone removível com tecnologia Blue VO!CE através do Software Logitech G HUB
Design Ultraleve com apenas 278 g

Price: R$986,43
(as of Oct 27, 2024 20:38:53 UTC – Details)

Conheça o G733, um Headset Gamer desenvolvido para se adequar ao seu estilo. Adote a tecnologia sem fio LIGHTSPEED de 2,4 GHz, alcance de até 20 m e até 29 horas de duração da bateria. Personalize a aparência e o som em tempo real através do software Logitech G HUB com os filtros de voz Blue VO!CE e iluminação RGB LIGHTSYNC frontal de zona dupla. O G733 possui tecnologias avançadas de áudio, incluindo drivers de áudio PRO-G de 40 mm, câmaras acústicas internas e tecnologia DTS Headphone:X 2.0*. Jogue com conforto com uma faixa de cabeça confortável e reversível, almofadas dos fones de ouvido em espuma viscoelástica de camada dupla e um headset realmente leve, que pesa apenas 278 g.
Tecnologia LIGHTSPEED sem fio com autonomia de bateria de até 29 horas
Iluminação frontal LIGHTSYNC RGB
Faixa de cabeça reversível macia e confortável e almofadas dos fones em espuma viscoelástica
Microfone removível com tecnologia Blue VO!CE através do Software Logitech G HUB
Design Ultraleve com apenas 278 g

13 avaliações para Headset Gamer Sem Fio Logitech G733 7.1 Dolby Surround com Tecnologia Blue VO!CE, RGB LIGHTSYNC, Drivers de Áudio Avançados e Bateria Recarregável para PC e PlayStation – Preto


    Eu tinha o G335, que não tenho nada a reclamar, é extremamente leve e confortável, praticamente igual ao G733, troquei apenas pq o adaptador do p3 para p2 estava falhando e estava tendo problemas com o microfone, mas a durabilidade é excepcional. Sobre o G733, a qualidade de som e o conforto são impressionantes, ele é mais pesado que o meu antigo, mas nada que atrapalhe. O RGB é legal e não atrapalha na visão, o acabamento dele é impecável e é muito confortável (uso óculos) e consigo ficar várias horas com ele, por enquanto a bateria dura bem

  2. Jonatas

    Headset de Alta qualidade (Primeiras impressões)
    Pontos fortes:- Design chamativo (Todo em plástico mas de extrema qualidade com RGB. Caso queira desligar as luzes para não chamar a atenção e economizar bateria, é possível.);- Uso específico: Seu uso é somente via notebook/desktop, não tem como usar em celular;- Conforto: Extremamente confortável, ainda mais em usos prolongados;- Bateria: Carrega bem rápido;- Configuração: As possibilidades de personalização através do G HUB (Software da Logitech) são vastas, tanto em equalização de som e outras funções;- Som: Som agradável, não é AQUELE som, mas com as configurações certas no G HUB você consegue um som legal dependendo do seu gosto.Pontos fracos- Microfone: Definitivamente o microfone dele não é bom, levando em conta todo o conjunto da obra (Design + conforto + GHUB…) MAS, não é de tudo ruim, as pessoas vão entender o que você falar perfeitamente;- Som: De primeira não curti muito o som, achei que seria aquela coisa mais agressiva, com graves bem destacados. Mas, mexendo um pouco no GHUB e nas equalizações disponíveis de outros usuários, achei um som legal pra mim;- 7.1 Som Surround: Nos reviews por ai, a maioria reclamou desse recurso, mas, para mim, foi o que ajudou a melhorar o grave do som do headset (junto com as equalizações).

  3. Parloca

    Extremamente confortavel e bonito. Material de boa qualidade – som muito bem equilibrado.
    Fone muito bom, bem alto. Ponto forte, conforto e bateria – todos os botões bem posicionados – microfone removível. Som de extrema qualidade, reconhece de longe tiros e passos.Som extremamente nítido, bem regulado para games. Muito bonito – pode ficar horas, é muito leve e não incomoda nada. Ele não isola totalmente, mas eu prefiro assim – então pra mim é um ponto positivo.Apesar de um pouco complicado, tem todo tipo de regulagem tanto para a parte auditiva como para o microfone. (Mais fácil regular o áudio que o microfone)Microfone de qualidade, apesar que demorei para conseguir tirar o retorno – ele admite muito tipo de regulagem. Então basicamente para chamadas e alguns jogos as configurações de fabrica vão servir, porém para outros, não, vai ter que regular. Mas depois que vc entende o software e acerta. consegue ter um microfone superior aos concorrentes. O audio já é melhor, porém alguns microfones de fábrica vem melhor, o blue voice precisa ser configurado no GHUB.Bateria boa…fone meio caro, mas dentro dos concorrentes o melhor ( da sua categoria sem fio)Melhor que os JBL 600 e 800 ( não testei o 610) – melhor que o Cloud Flight.Fora que Logitech é muito bonitoPrós – som alto – nítido – conforto – varias regulagens – bonito – bateriaNegativo – microfone bom ( blue voice) porém a depender do jogo, vai demorar para encontrar a regulagem certa entre não dar retorno, as pessoas te ouvirem bem, e os sons ambientes não incomodarem seus amigos.Porém depois que acerta, fica muito bom – acima dos concorrentes.Se pegar em uma promoção vale muito a pena.

  4. Henrique Neto

    Melhor headset que já tive, mas é caro.
    O headset é excepcional, é um dos melhores da marca, top de linha.Som muito limpo, construção robusta e diferenciada, achei um pouco pesado, mas nada que atrapalhe ou incomode em longas sessões de uso. Tem leds de iluminação para quem gosta desses detalhes, mas o app de configuração é um pesadelo de tão ruim que é.Duração muito boa de bateria, fiquei quase 4 dias sem carregar, usando em média 8 horas por dia.Sou usuário de Logitech G há bastante tempo, e as condições de garantia da marca são excelentes, pós-venda muito bom. Sei que qualquer problema será resolvido prontamente. Isso também pesou na hora de decidir qual headset eu queria comprar (já tinha um Logitech G435 antes, então foi um upgrade para o G733)Vale a compra, SE estiver em promoção.O preço cheio (1500 reais) é muito caro, e não justifica o investimento. Até uns 900 reais o custo-benefício é possivelmente o melhor possível que há no mercado.

  5. Marcel Medeiros

    Qualidade ótima
    Qualidade muito boa do som, extremamente bonito e resistente, a bateria dura bastante.

  6. Rpsfortunato

    Produto de alta qualidade
    Produto muito bom, confortável e macio.Som de qualidade.Só não dei 5 estrelas por conta do microfone que não é muito bom.

  7. Daniel Ribeiro

    Ele vem com audio e microfone neutros, devem sem configuradas no LOG G HUB da logitech
    O fone é muito confortável, muito compacto, audio bom microfone bom, não sendo da melhor qualidade mas bom, recomendo bastante esse fone, ainda é o primeiro teste, mas daqui alguns dias, dou mais algum feedback sobre bateria, e etc…

  8. Thierry Nascimento

    Um dos melhores que já tive!
    A qualidade do áudio é extremamente clean, de todos headsets que eu já tive, é de longe o melhor no quesito QUALIDADE, a bateria é bizarra, to a uma semana sem carregar.Unica coisa que estou me adaptando é a questão do volume, achei um pouco baixo em relação aos que eu tive anteriormente ( hyperx cloud stringer e JBL ).

  9. Lizbeth Alejandra Rodriguez Santiago

    Me encantaron, no pesan, buen ruido, no me lastiman la cabeza, no me han dado falla en estos 3 meses, la batería dura bien, no me dan mucho calor y voy con ellos al baño sin problema 💞

  10. Peace

    I’ve owned a bunch of gaming headsets over the past 15-20 years, but they were all wired once as I never trusted a wireless headset and was skeptical when it came to mic quality as well as not willing to constantly going through the charging process, but I’ve finally decided to give wireless headsets a go and am glad I did with this particular headset. I’ve looked into a few, some of which were “Logitech G PRO X Gaming Headset (2nd Generation)” and “HyperX HX-HSCF-BK/AM Cloud Flight Wireless”, but in the end had decided to give this “Logitech G733 LIGHTSPEED Wireless Gaming Headset” a try. I am somewhat peaky when it comes to headsets and so I was kind of surprised I liked it. My favourite thing is that they are so light, that you likely won’t feel them over your head once you get used to them. They are also a good choice for those wearing glasses. They are only 287 grams, which is nothing in comparison to most of those other gaming headsets these days. The build quality could at first seem poor, but in reality it’s not. It is obviously plastic, but a solid one, bendable. I play competitive shooters with buddies as well as solo and they all confirmed being able to hear well and that the mic is clear as day, so the mic is fine. No static, no noise, nice and clear, so I think you should have no issues with its quality unless you are even peakier than I am then maybe you’d find it not good enough, but I doubt it. It is decent enough to not worry bout it. You will have Logitech G Hub software where you can customize your sound and mic to sound the way you want it to sound. I am very bad at customizing and I like things to work out of box, but thankfully I did not have to do much for this headset. All I had to do for it to work the way I wanted was to enable BlueVoice and select a Bass Boost preset and I was all set, but ya, once you get them, just make sure you play around in G HUB to customize it a slight bit to get the most out of it and you’ll be fine. The battery does last around 25 hours as advertised. If yours doesn’t keep charge it might be a faulty one and you might want to return/replace it, but after two-three weeks of use I can say that it does keep the charge very well. I sometimes wear them for a day forgetting to check the charge and thinking there would probably be about 20-30% of charge left, only then to realize there was still above 60% of charge left. It also charges fairly quickly, so not an issue. Not without its flaws though. I wear glasses and so as others correctly pointed out this headset’s front lights will reflect in your monitor as a result of your glasses’ lenses, which is really annoying. Thankfully I couldn’t care less for the lights, so I turned them off completely via G HUB, so not an issue for me anymore. Note that even if the lights show turned off in the hub, there are instances where you might have some game that would still trigger those lights to come on even though they’d show OFF in G HUB and that’s cause you have to turn them off in a different G HUB menu called Games and Applications if i’m not mistaken, there are two places where you might have to change that setting to off, but you can easily google it and find the answer like I did, so not an issue. Lastly what I actually did not like was the fact that ear caps are not wide enough. Your ears will fit, but they do touch the speakers’ plastic that is actually covered by special material for you to feel comfy, but you might still feel some discomfort at least in the beginning. I am kind of used to that now and don’t even realize my ears somewhat touch the sides, but ya, im used to that now, but it would surely be better to have more space on the inside for your ears to feel free in there, but sadly not the case with this headset. I actually find this to be a major flaw, but is something that would likely not bother many and you’d likely get used to that over time. As a matter of fact the best Logitech headset that does have enough room for your ears is “Logitech G332”. I actually own that one as well. It’s one of the cheapest once, but is one of the best once to date in terms of sound quality for music and gaming straight out of box with mic being nice and clear out of box. It doesn’t have G HUB though, but it does a good enough balanced job when it comes to playing games, listening to music etc. That one does have enough room for your ears, so if you’re on a budget and don’t mind a wired headset I’d even recommend you try a “Logitech G332 Wired Gaming Headset” – the red one. As i’m writing this another flaw came to mind and that’s the fact that the mic itself is a plugin one, which bugs me. I constantly have to plug the mic in to game, and have to then take it out when i’m done gaming and want to chill and listen to music or watch videos etc as having this mic constantly plugged in isn’t convenient, so I don’t like it at all. The manufacturer should come up with a mic that you can just slide up and down without a need of plugging/unplugging it from the headset. Besides that this “Logitech G733 LIGHTSPEED Wireless Gaming Headset” is a decent headset choice that would likely be a good fit for most people that I’d recommend you try. There are lots of benefits having a wireless headset as oppose to a wired one that did not even come to mind when I first considered trying them. I can turn my favourite podcast on and walk around the house while listening to it without worrying about stepping over its wire. I can go to the kitchen and cook while having this headset on and listening to music or what not instead of having my TV on full blast and/or listening to music off of my cellphone for that matter while in the kitchen. As for its wireless connection – I had no issues with connection itself, but my modem is close by, so they never disconnected on me, but the signal strengh isn’t going to be ideal if you really decided to walk away far enough from where your equipment/hardware is, but as long as you’re within a few meters around your PC you’ll be fine. In my case PC is close by, so no issues stepping away with them on to the kitchen and/or somewhere else near by. I think you should give this particular wireless headset a try. Is the sound quality really that good? Nah, not really, this isn’t a studio quality headset, not meant to be, but it’s still a decent choice and the sound quality is enough for me, it’s not bad. Maybe watch some YouTube reviews first for a better breakdown, but then do give it a try as you can always return it if it’s not to your liking, but i’m pretty sure that 90% of people who buy this one will actually like it.UPDATE 3 MONTHS LATER: I am really frustrated that after initially giving this headset and its mic a positive 5 star review I am now forced to change it to not more than 2 to 3 stars. The reason being is the mic had completely stopped working 2 weeks ago and I’ve only had the headset for about 3 months and it’s got no more support for it, meaning I wouldn’t even be able to return/replace it. I have spent the past two weeks searching the net and troubleshooting. I am somewhat tech-savvy, so when I say I’ve tried everything and done all the basic and non basic troubleshooting with the headset as well as computer itself along with testings – I know the issue is the headset. I even purchased a replacement mic here on Amazon for this exact headset called “G733 Replacement Microphone”, hoping that it was just the piece itself, but it wasn’t, so it looks like something had broken the mic’s mechanism on the inside of headset itself. I have some other headsets and their mics work fine on the same PC. I was actually surprised that when I googled “Logitech G733 mic stopped working” I found lots of people reporting similar issues with the mic, wish I did my research prior my $170 CAD purchase. It should be a given that if a headset costs that much it literally cannot have any issues for years to come. Not a single one of my other headsets had ever had its mic stop working, period.Besides the mic not working I still love the headset for all the rest hence the reason i’m still keeping my rating at three stars even though I really wanted to change it from five to one, so everything I said in my original review before the update remains accurate. I enjoy the ability to walk around the house away from PC doing home activities with them on and I still use them to play single player games, listen to music, watch youtube etc, it’s just that I can no longer communicate with my buddies playing competitive games and have to connect my other headset in order to be able to use the mic. That said, you might be a lucky one who’d have no issues since majority of the reviews are positive for it, but thought I’d edit this review to make people aware of such scenario being a realistic possibility.UPDATE 6 MONTHS LATER:So, I went from giving this product a 5 star review to 3 star review to now back to 5 star review.Initially 3 months after running into an issue with the mic completely stop working, it has just started working on its own again. As mentioned above I initially did all the troubleshooting possible including buying a brand new mic, but to no avail, and so 3 months later I had decided to once again plug it in to see if anything’d changed, and it’s somehow back to working again. I’ve no clue what the issue was, but I have a feeling it could be something related to Windows 11 and a conflict between it and Logitech or some Windows related update must have messed something up that caused the mic not work though not sure as I’ve made sure all was up to date, no drivers issues etc, but somehow it’s just decided to work just out of nowhere now. I’ve no clue how long its going to last for and if a similar issue occurs, but if it does i’ll make sure to advise here, but hopefully it’s back for good this time around. This is still my favourite wireless headset that I’ve been using daily, and now that the mic is back in business I’m happy :)UPDATE Almost a YEAR LATER:Just deciding to pass by to advise that the headset/mic are still working fine with no issues. I’m also used to now constantly taking the mic off when not in use and plugging it back in when I need it, but I only need it once a week, so this isn’t a concern to me as I initially thought it would be. It would definitely be better to have the manufacturer re-design it, so that it was not a removable mic, but a permanently attached one that you could slide up/down, but it is what it is.All in all I’m still happy with this headset, it keeps the charge well enough still for my needs for a couple of days at least (depending on the amount of hours spent in front of PC), but I still prefer to charge once every two days or a bit each day. I usually let it go down to like 60%, which is about 10 – 12 hours of use approximately and then I charge back to 100%. It’s a personal preference, it’s just I don’t like to let it go below 50%…I do recommend!

  11. Isaac P

    ***Update: I had originally given these 3 stars per below, but after more time I’ve updated it to 5… The battery life and wireless range is phenomenal, both are so much better than my previous Corsairs! I was charging those daily, after only about 4-5 hours I’d get low battery warnings, but I almost never have to charge these, it’s insane how long they last… and the range is almost twice what I got from the Corsairs, I can roam all over and never lose sound! So just be sure to tweak the sound a bit as I noted before, and maybe about $15 of the price is simply for the brand name, but I’m liking these more and more with time!Initial Review:Ok, I’m really torn on these… First things first: myself, along with many others, think the sound quality is horrible out of the box! People that say they sound great I don’t think have experience with more expensive headphones and are probably moving up from $30 cheapos…First thing: After scouring Reddit and some trial and error, turn off all the special sound settings (like DTS and advanced settings) and move the bass to +7 and the treble to +4. After I made this change, the quality was much much better!I previously had Corsair HS70s for two years and HS80s for two years, but I hate the iCue software Corsair uses, it’s a ridiculous resource hog and constantly has issues. So for me this is actually a mild downgrade price-wise as you read my pros and cons, they’re primarily vs my Corsairs:Pros: Incredibly lightweight and very comfortable. Battery lasts absolutely forever (I had to charge my Corsairs daily; the Logitech can go for days!). Sound is adequate once tweaked. Volume tops off at a low level but as a 45-year-old who is a huge music fan I can tell my ears aren’t what they once were, so they’re doing this for your protection. Software is “light-weight” and unobtrusive.Cons: If you’re mainly listening to music, spend a bit more on Corsair or Steelseries or even a purely audiophile set. You’ll be disappointed with these. They’re lightweight but as a downer feel a bit flimsy. As I said, sound is terrible out of the box imo.I really struggled with the number of stars to give! For the money, if you know you’re getting a lightweight pair of headphones with great battery and no hassle, they’re not bad at all. If you want more quality to your sound, go elsewhere however. A little bit more money can get you a way better sound.As for Logitech in general, I was tired of having three different programs (keyboard, mouse, headphones) so also got a Logitech mouse after remembering one I loved years back. The brand does feel overpriced for the quality they provide, as a general rule, as if they’re capitalizing off their brand. I’m ok with both these and the mouse, they’re fine, but for just $20-40 more each I’d say try one of the newer brands if you haven’t before. The Logitech stuff just feels cheaper overall than the price would suggest but they get the job done!

  12. mafar

    Son muy buenos, estoy muy contento porque dudaba de su precio y de su calidad ya q había leído q el micrófono es muy malo, el sonido se escucha con bastante ganancia y que la calidad era muy mala para su precio.solo fue gente q ni ve el potencial, piensa a que por pagar mas de 100 dólares en unos audiófonos tienen que ser premium.La calidad es buena, son muy ligeros y cómodosse escuchan bastante bien, no son premium pero se escuchan muy bien, el micrófono después de hacer pruebas son los mejores para ser de headset ya que no es un micrófono shure de mesa.la conexión con el G HUB es rápida y sencilla.Los mejores audífonos que puedes comprar por 100 dólares (yo no pagaría mas) en logitechg.con están en 180 y es un precio exagerado. por 100 dólares valen 100% la pena.

  13. Cliente de Amazon

    Llevo más de un mes con ellos y ha sido una de mis mejoras compras.Quiero comenzar diciendo que el sonido es muy bueno para detectar pasos de los enemigos al momento de jugar, yo juego shoters y han sido una maravilla, eso si, como observación no tengo activado el sonido envolvente, debido a que a mi parecer el sonido se vuelve con más eco y muy ruidoso al jugar.El sonido envolvente lo ocupo para cuando estoy escuchando música o viendo alguna película, en este caso, no serán lo mejor porque tengo que incluso bajarle un poco de volumen para evitar las distorsiones.El micrófono es super bueno, mis amigos me escuchan muy bien y sin tanto ruido de fondo, es más ha llegado aveces que estoy comiendo algo, y no lo notan. Me fascina la facilidad con que me puedo mutear, esto ayuda mucho al momento de jugar o incluso cuando estoy en una videollamada de trabajo. Adicionalmente su micrófono se puede desprender por si no lo estas usando, y también es algo flexible, para moverlo más cerca de tu boca o alejarlo.La comodidad, es otro de los puntos buenos de estos audífonos ya que suelo llevarlos por largas horas (entre 6-8 horas) y no me llegan a molestar .La duración de la batería es maravillosa, por lo menos llego a usarlas por dos días seguidos (en total como 16-20 horas) sin que se apaguen, eso sí, cuando se usan las luces llega a perder batería más rápido. Y la carga de batería al 100% tarda más o menos como una 1 hr.La conexión lightspeed, es super rápida que no tiene ni delay ni nada que afecte en tiempo real y además tiene un largo alcance, es decir que puedes pararte de lugar y distanciarte y seguiras escuchando.El software que tiene logitech te permite un sin fin de configuraciones, como sonido, microfono, perfiles, luces, etc… creo que es muy bueno, aunque aveces cuando se debería de cambiar de perfil en automático no llega a realizarlo, pero solo basta con volver a cambiar de ventana y se soluciona.Para terminar, y fallos que he notado en mi uso de este mes, es que aveces no cargan los audifonos con otro cable tipo c, si no es el que trae por caja. También llega a tener un “bug” (me ha pasado 1 vez) que a pesar de dejarlo +1hr cargándolo el software de la pc, te detecta que “no se cargo” o más bien como que se estanca en el porcentaje de batería que lo dejaste, la solución a esto y que logre encontrar fue desinstalar el driver en la pc y dejar que se instale nuevamente, para que de este modo se “resetee”. Aunque en mi búsqueda también observe que existe la posibilidad de que los audífonos no quieran prender por “falta de batería” pero si están cargados, entonces ahí la solución es quitar la almohadilla izquierda donde va el micrófono y apretar el botón de reset.En conclusión, estos audífonos son lo mejor, si el uso que le darás son para jugar, de lo contrario no te los recomiendo.

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